Control your thoughts

Are you controlling your thoughts? Or are your thoughts controlling you?

If your thoughts are keeping you awake at night, holding you back or preventing you from taking the next step out of fear….it’s time for a change. You can learn to control your thoughts.

Thoughts can be destructive, negatively impact results and can interfere with and interrupt your success. But you have the power to change those thoughts to become positive influencers in your quality of life. By changing your thoughts you can change your feelings and the triggers that set off those feelings and in the process achieve a greater level of peace of mind.

Become the master of your mind

Passing thoughts have more to do with how you feel and behave than what is going on around you. Observe your thoughts. Ask yourself why did I react that way? What was the real reason? How many times have you been controlled by your thoughts without even being aware of it? How much time have you wasted getting angry or frustrated over meaningless things without realizing the answer lies in how you manage a moment’s thought?

Control your thoughts

Silence your inner critic. You know – the self-doubter, the second guesser, the name caller, the verbal and emotional abuser. Stop. Replace those negative thoughts with positive counter thoughts and affirmations.

Turn off the worrier. What if I miss the deadline? What if the client doesn’t like me? What if you changed all the negative what ifs into positive what ifs? What if I work through lunch and turn in the report early? What if I walk into the meeting with my head held high, shoulders back with a big smile on my face?

What if I banish every negative thought?

“You have absolute control over but one thing, and that is your thoughts. This is the most significant and inspiring of all facts known to man! It reflects man’s divine nature. ” by Napoleon Hill

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